You just need a Jetblade to add to an existing hydroflight system.
The Jetblade is the world’s leading technical hydro jetboard. The Jetblade was designed from it’s origins to be a compact, precisely engineered platform that riders could use to explore and expand the limits of hydro flight. Smoothness is prime only in the function of the jet nozzles and base hose swivel, also in the limited drag hydrodynamic shape of the components and the way they all fit in harmony together. All of this shelled into the tightest possible envelope to minimize contact with anything in the environment that could throw you off. All built from materials that you can depend on the weather the elements. We call this construction “serious metal”.
The Jetblade has been in operation around the world and the design has proven itself to be dependable under the feet of the world’s top riders and under the feet of 100’s of beginners every day in rental operations. Hydroflight is not complicated, it is an easy sport that virtually anyone can try, and fly.
The Jetblade Solo consists of a Jetblade unit only. This is the choice if you are looking to add a Jetblade to an existing X·Jets system, most importantly, being able to directly connect to the swivel on the end of the hose to interchange in seconds between other X· devices.