Boards sports have been around for ages. Although the first tethered jetboard in 1956 actually had bindings, most of the first boardsport board had no bindings, the rider choose the right stances by moving around the board. As performance demands increased, binding systems were added in many sports that locked the feet into the board. The first thing that was recognized was that riders come in different ages and sizes, short through tall, and that all of those riders have varying stance requirements. Additionally styles of riding and rider aggression come into play in determining a stance width. The Jetblade has always offered variable stance width within a range of the standard 38 CM center to center to 42 CM. For riders such as Kevin Delaney, that range is not been wide enough and Kevin asked for wider stance possibilities. These are the first wide stance baseplates available and fit onto any existing Jetblade with the four M6 mounting screws. The stance range is 50 – 56 Centimeters, center to center, or 19.6 to 22 inches, big enough for bigger riders and will give us an indication if we need to go even wider. 🙂

Jetblade wide stance plates photo overlaid on standard width mounting position for comparison.

Jetblade standard width mounting position, with photo overlay of wide mount position.

with respect to our mentors.