Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.
Hunter Verlander won the “Hydro Card Draw” round at Session One. Congratulations Hunter, you flew with precision and nailed the points.
The description of the Hydro Draw Card round from the Session One rider’s group on Facebook:
“Draw competition rules
The amount of time for each round is 90 seconds.
The draw will be 4 or 5 tricks, we keep drawing at 3 points and stop at 4, but if the last draw is a block move then it becomes a 5 point draw.
The draw is per round so we will have 3 draws for our event and every competitor does each of the draws one time. Round 1 is completed before round 2 starts and round 3 will start after round 2 is complete.
The tricks must be performed in the order of the draw. Competitors have to be able to memorize the draw, decide what elevation the trick should be done at to be in position for the next trick, and they have to find the fastest transition from one trick to the next.
Equipment requirements.
This is an open board competition. We are excited to see how this advances the equipment and the sport in general. We do not feel the need to burden the riders with unnecessary regulations. To keep the area safe and practical for other locations and prevent any damages to other equipment (skis, inflatable’s, etc.) We will limit hose length to 23 meters and require any sharp edges, grab bars, binding clips to be wrapped. This is an underfoot hydro competition so the rider must stand above the jets.”

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.

Hunter Verlander, Team Aquafly, flies the Jetblade in custom green.