Ben shaking off the jet lag and getting a feel for it with the first run in Dubai.
Ben shaking off the jet lag and getting a feel for it with the first run in Dubai.
There are places in the world where X-Jetpacks, the big brother of the Jetblade, are hard to find. For those locations, in the long standing tradition of parody and satire, we have printed these free stickers for giveaways. Enjoy. For stickers, contact us and we will send you a few for free. For the best jetpacks in the world, we will set you up there as well, for a reasonable price.
This is our in-house tensile testing machine. Like a nearly unstoppable force, it pulls things apart and measures the force required to do so. Strato clamped in our new LeMans hose and gave it a go. At 2.5 tons of force, the 316 clamps slowly stretched over the barbs, the hose did not even blink. Next time we’ll put twice as many clamps on and see what we get. 2.5 tons the hose is a tight as a drum but nowhere near breaking. Still we want to see what it take to rippy a LeMans hose up. Then we will compare it to the red standard.
Video by:
Randy Borrell
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Scratching our heads on this one. Did they name the 2014 Flyboard Cup after us, X-Jets? Are they so impressed with our X name that team Z is trying to co-opt a cool factor? Did their organizers in Dubai go off the reservation and try to make plans for the future when the hydro sport is open to real competition, X-Games style? A puzzler for sure, but we like the compliment.
One thing we do know is that we are not invited. We have been told point blank by the organizers and by the head of the brand. Riders on Jetblades are not allowed. The winning quote “this is a private event and is not open to competitors on products from other brands”. We know that riders on Jetblades would clean up, so we understand why they won’t let us in. That naturally call into question why call it a World Cup? Just call it the Private Flyboard Cup 2014 Invitational and cut the pretense.
Since we can discuss it, but the Flyboard “press” cannot, what is up with the judging?? What are the prizes being offered for this main “event”?
We have had a few questions recently on how Jetblade Indy Jets work and what makes them different from standard fixed foot Jets. It seems there are some old-skool interpretations on why man was meant to fly with both feet locked together. Let’s walk through the dynamics of how vectored thrust flight actually works. As beautifully detailed in the 1950’s seminal work, “Man balancing on a jet platform” RM L52D10, there are two forces at work. The big G, gravity, and little f, force. Everything about the way we fly in hydro is about the balance of these two forces. The dynamic equilibrium. Balance the forces and you hover above the water. Little more force through increased water flow and you rise higher. Continue reading
Ben Merrell and Jeff Elkins have developed a wireless jet ski throttle for use across hydro sports. We have not gotten a chance to try it yet, but it is looking great. Here is a video of it in action. More info by calling Flytronics at +1 850 218 8894 or