Step 1. Assemble the power channel system “Y” tube to the frame at the axle. The 15mm Stainless steel axle is shown below.
The four M8 mounting screws are shipped installed with the retainer brackets and the Delrin bearing blocks. Unscrew the nuts and remove the stainless steel retainers and the black bearing blocks. The retainer is on the left below and the bearing block on the right.
Bearing block and Retainer.
Insert the bearing blocks onto both ends of the axle.
Flat side down, round side up, matching retainer.
Cover the bearing blocks on both sides with the retainer as shown.
Tilt the retainer at a 90 degree angle outwards.
Step 3. IMPORTANT: Install the Y angle limit strap before connecting the axle. The black nylon strap is attached at the factory to the lower frame. The other loop end will now be inserted around the Y tube from the rear side and looping over the top. The purpose of this strap is to prevent the Y-tube and hose from flipping over the pilots head while in the water.
Lifting the Y power channel, mate the surface and holes with the retainer and insert the screws from the bottom side. The aircraft lock nuts will be mounted on the outside.
An alternate method of installing is to place the frame on the floor and press the Y tube down. This can help to seat the bearing blocks and insert the screws.
Screws, washers, locking nuts.
Tighten all nuts snug in place. The assembly is designed so that the position of the nuts can be examined before usage to insure everything is in place and tight.
Step 4. Install the steering arms. The M8 bolts con installed in the upper arms. Loosen the nuts and remove.
Install the left arm, the left arm is the arm without the warning sticker. The handle will angle slightly outward. Choose the length, and insert the screws. Tighten snug, no need to over tighten, the nylon locking insert in the nut maintains closure. There is a slight play in the lower arm, this is normal.
Install the right arm in the same way.
Notice the outward angle of the handle grip. You now have a fully assembled X-Jetpack.