The H3X X-Jetpack, The Real Deal
The H3X X-Jetpack, the next evolution in affordable hydro flight jetpack technology. We developed it, we fly it, we make it in our own factory. We got into hydro flight for the love of pushing the boundaries, to make the dream of flight a reality for as many people as possible. Most of all we wanted to make this real. A real value and a real product, ready to ship and ready to use. We have been shipping the H3X since August of 2013 and are in over 20 countries around the world. Our motives are to the direct and honest jetpack company. Real people, real experience, real fun, but most of all, real business. The real deal.

Our first jetpack, the H2X was introduced in 2013 to a select group of the world’s most expert jetpack trainers and riders. Frazier Grandison was the co-inventor of the original water jetpack. Keith Paul was the head trainer at the Jetlev Flight Academy in Florida. The result of the testing? Both of them decided that the X-Jetpack was the superior way forward and joined our rebel force. Frazier and Keith now work with us daily and have operations in the Caribbean for sales and training on the X-Jetpack. Together with them we built the H3X evolution and lead the industry to market in sport jetpacks.

We believe in continuous improvement and continuous evolution, we listen to our customers and we work in our own factory. We develop and improve our manufacturing methods and materials in our jetpacks. We have CAD computer aided design software and our own machining at our fingertips, we design and refine every aspect of our products. Here is a partial list
- Frame, modified the head rollbar. Developing our new V-window strap support and bump protector. Better clearance for your head.
- “Catcher’s mitt” head pocket.
- Modified head protection padding. ( We advise wearing a helmet for the best protection from the unexpected.)
- Five modifications to the harness system resulting our revolution in simplicity and robustness, complete 316 stainless system, nothing like it on the market. We predict it will be the standard going forward.
- New strap mounting locations, removed center mount “ball splitter” strap. Zero crotch contact, a world of difference from all pre-existing designs. If you ever rode a Jetlev from either of the manufacturers, you will have a huge smile on your face the first time you ride an X-Jetpack.
- Modified padding for shoulder straps. Dual density foam inserts and stress relieved pressure sections over the shoulders. More comfort, less fatigue.
- Padding cut curve modified for increased pilot field of vision. See the world around you from the air.
- Modified composite saddle, reduced stiff carbon fiber and modified width, keeps thighs closer together for more control.
- Shorter saddle panels for more freedom while in the water and the same control in the air.
- Modified clamping system for power transmission hose. Combination forged alloy clamps and 316 stainless band clamps.
- Double bolt Super Clamps distribute the pressure evenly and clamp tight, all 316 stainless steel.
- Modified “Big Flex U” clamping and interlock system.
- Modified watercraft connection system. More speed.
- Torsion bar mounting system re-engineered, simpler to install, maintain and upgrade.
- Torsion bar material upgraded to full nylon engineering grade thermoplastic.
We assemble all components in our own factory. Hand crafting the world’s best sport jetpacks.