Jetblade Scorpion, X-Jets Carbon Concept Jetboard
Carbon concept Jetblade from the design lab inside Stratospheric Industries. Not in production, this is a design study of a reality based concept, a so called “concept car”, a springboard for discussions with top level riders. X wants to gauge the reaction from the target market and get feedback from the users of our boards. The brief: design the ultimate competition machine with no compromises, a state of the art hydro jetboard.
As composite material is light and swing weight has a higher priority than floatation, it was the first to go. Reduction of parts and streamlining is always a priority at X, we don’t like complications, the ocean does not like complications, we wanted a stripped down lean mean marine beast.
Our design philosophy, minimize for durability and simplicity, reduce and combine functions, make it tight and ergonomic, wider stances for taller riders but canted in to allow natural knee position and positive stance basis, build it out of proven extreme strength materials. And last, make it look like the tech gear that it is, make it full on sport, full on sport core. Once we had all the elements in place, the name was obvious, Jetblade Scorpion. Full carbon fiber with CNC machined bearing races, fully combined one piece lamination encompasses landing struts, nozzles and binding support.
Could we? Spring 2016, limited edition, hellishly expensive, pro level riders only.

Jetblade Scorpion, X-Jets Carbon Concept Jetboard

Jetblade Scorpion, X-Jets Carbon Concept Jetboard

Jetblade Scorpion, X-Jets Carbon Concept Jetboard

Jetblade Scorpion, X-Jets Carbon Concept Jetboard

Jetblade Scorpion, X-Jets Carbon Concept Jetboard

Jetblade Scorpion, X-Jets Carbon Concept Jetboard